Voyage de D’entrecasteaux envoyé à la recherche de La Pérouse. Publié par ordre de sa Majesté l’Empereur et Roi… Redigé par M. de Rossel, ancienne capitain de vaisseau.
[Voyage of D’entrecasteaux sent in search of La Pérouse. Published by order of his Majesty the Emperor and King … Written by M. de Rossel, former captain of the ship.]
First edition: the official commander’s account of the search for La Pérouse, published posthumously. Twelve maps of Western Australian and Tasmania in the Atlas, record much of these coasts accurately for the first time and are among the most significant ever made.
Two volumes, quarto (with 32 folding engraved plates in volume I) and an Atlas, imperial folio, containing 39 charts and maps (29 double folding); a fine copy of the original mottled boards with paper labels.