Indigenous History

The Foundation is especially proud of its collection of original portraits of named Aboriginal figures drawn by Nicolas Petit on the Baudin expedition’s visit to Australia in 1802. In addition to the Petit portraits and other European drawings of aboriginal life, the Silentworld Collection holds a number of original aboriginal artefacts from the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as ancient stone tools from a much earlier age. These tell the story of the extraordinary and unbroken interaction with Australia, and deep cultural ties to the land and oceans of the continent.

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Ship Models

Ship Models

Date range: 1629-1890

Ship models


Maritime Paintings

The merchantman MEDINA OF LONDON

Maritime Paintings

Date range: 1793-1849

Maritime Paintings

Curator’s corner

New acquisitions, staff favourites and curios

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Curator's corner

New acquisitions, staff favourites and curios